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Time to Act: Mobile Users Dwarf Desktop

September 28, 2016

Next time you’re on a crowded train or in a bustling coffee shop, take a look around. Chances are the vast majority of patrons will be browsing their mobile devices to pass the time. It’s no secret that the world is becoming increasingly mobile, and according to a recent survey conducted by comScore, smartphone and tablet use continues to dwarf desktop.According to July data, smartphone apps now account for 50% of all digital media time (a big spike from 44% a year ago), while tablets account for 9% of all browsing time. In contrast, desktop users shrunk to 32% of the total digital attention.What does this mean for your brand?There are many implications and take away from these trends, but one thing’s for sure: we’re living in a cross-platform world, but mobile optimization is, without a doubt, something brands needs to consider. During the digital marketing process, every platform needs to be considered, but failure to deliver a good mobile experience will significantly compromise your brand.

  1. Simplify your layoutUsers visiting your site from a desktop computer have a lot of screen space to work with, but this first thing you need to remember about mobile devices is that space is limited, and your mobile site needs to take this into account. Look at your site’s bells and whistles and think about what it could do without.
  2. Mobile-friendly buttonsUsers who find it difficult to navigate your site will quickly abandon it for something more user-friendly. Mobile-friendly buttons that are easy to hit with a thumb or index family allow for seamless transition from page to page.
  3. Mobile-friendly landing pagesLanding pages not designed to be mobile friendly are some of the biggest contributors to high bounce rates. Whether the objective of your landing page is to capture information, sign users up for a mailing list, or make visitors schedule a webinar, the fields should be organized for mobile use and complemented by an easy-to-understand call to action.
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