PBJ’s 12 Hilarious Domain Name Mistakes
Choosing a domain name for your website should be a simple task, but unfortunately, the smallest oversight can lead to hilarious results.A lot of the times, businesses simply mash up their company name to get a domain name but fail to consider that you can’t capitalize letters or use spaces. Before you create a hilariously terrible domain name, make sure to circulate your options among coworkers, peers, friends, and family. They might catch what you fail to see. Luckily for us, some companies fail to vet their options - leaving us in stitches.Itscrap.com (Company: IT Scrap)Whorepresents.com (Company: Who Represents?)Penisland.net (Company: Pen Island)Expertsexchange.com (Company: Experts Exchange)Spedofart.com (Company: Speed of Art)Nobjs.org (Company: North of Boston Jewish Singles)Gotahownorth.com (Company: Go Tahoe North)Swissbit.ch (Company: Swiss Bit)Budget.co.ck (Company: Budget Car Rental Cook Island)Choosespain.com (Company: Choose Spain)Powergenitalia.com (Company: Powergen Italia)Oldmanshaven.com (Company: Old Man’s Haven)It takes no time at all to ensure you avoid a domain name blunder, but ensuring your domain has strong visibility takes a bit more consideration. Although there are more domain options now than ever before, the following best practices from Go Daddy will ensure you pick a great long-term option.
- Consider keywordsIf mashing up your company name for a URL yields an unfortunate result, think about keywords relevant to your industry to compensate. The use of prefixes and suffixes can help a lot, so don’t be afraid to experiment and think outside the box.
- Be uniqueMost consumers conduct their research online, so your domain is a big part of your brand identity and should be as unique as your products and services. Creating a domain too like another popular brand is a bad idea and often leads to confusion.
- Keep it short and sweetThe shorter and simpler your domain, the easier it is to remember. Additionally, short URLs are easier to market a share, that way you won’t have any issue fitting it on your business card and they often look better on offline marketing materials.
- Don’t follow trendsLook back to a photo of what you were wearing in high school. You probably cringed, right? Don’t make the same mistake with your domain name. Avoid following what other companies are doing with their URLs like adding random numbers and hyphens, and you will have long-term success.