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Mobile Merchants Enjoy Spike in Activity, but Conversions Remain Soft

October 31, 2016

It’s no secret that more consumers do their shopping on their smartphones, and Adobe recently released its 2016 Digital Insights Retail Report, which sheds a lot of light on the trend.In recent years, smartphones experienced consistent year-over-year gains in traffic (33% in 2016) as well as increased revenue among shoppers. However, the conversions rate is still something to be desired. The report indicates that only 16% of mobile shopping carts result in actual orders, while the average order value on Smartphones is $35 lower than desktops.“The shopping cart is a critical page to convert shoppers, but the experience has not been optimized on mobile, and it has left many users to either buy less or abandon their carts altogether,” said Tamara Gaffney, principal analyst, Adobe Digital Insights.Perhaps the most compelling part of the study found that, alone, your brand's mobile app might not cut it. To stay competitive in the mobile marketplace, you need a multifaceted approach with a custom app paired with a mobile-optimized site and backed up with a strong social media presence. Lucky for you, PBJ marketing does all this and more!Read the full report here

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