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4 Things to Remember About eCommerce Advertising
May 3, 2016
eCommerce is an important part of numerous social networks’ business models, but as we’ve observed in recent months, Facebook is not the go-to channel for advertisers directly selling physical products.Facebook adds a big boost to retailers’ bottom lines, but according to Marketing Land, there are a few things eCommerce advertisers need to keep in mind before launching their next campaign.
- It’s all about Facebook mobileFacebook mobile is the most downloaded and used app available for smartphones. As such, more consumers are using their mobile devices – and subsequently, Facebook eCommerce – to shop and conduct product research and purchase items. eCommerce advertisers need to ensure their ads target mobile users and optimize ads for smartphones and tablets.
- Dynamic product adds are a mustStatic eCommerce ads are so 2015. These days, dynamic product ads are all the rage and continue to be a hit among advertisers. Dynamic ads allow retailers to display a variety of products that automatically populate a “carousel-like” ad with personalized and available products.
- Don’t forget about your Audience NetworkFacebook does a fantastic job identifying users’ likes and interests and compartmentalizes them into Audience Networks for advertisers. Not surprisingly, the gaming community and its advertisers were the first and fastest to recognize the value of Audience Networks, but recent expansions make the use of Audience Networks a powerful tool for eCommerce advertisers.
- Video content boosts conversionsThe use of video content among eCommerce significantly improves conversion rates while yielding an excellent return on ad spend – and advertisers are starting to notice. Between the fourth quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, Facebook video mobile ad spends spiked 26%.