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Part 4: Tweaking and Streamlining Users’ Mobile Experience

Welcome back to PBJ’s continuous coverage of mobile site and app design. This is the final installment of our four-part series, but before you start reading, make sure you check out Part 3: Finalize Mobile Transactions With a Tailored Checkout Experience.This week we’re examining mobile site and app functionality, and how it benefits users! Once again, we turn to Think With Google for its valuable insight on the matter.

  1. Make easy-to-use formsForms are a burden to fill out on a laptop or desktop computer, and if they’re poorly designed, they’re next to impossible to complete on a mobile site or app. As users complete a field, allow it to advance automatically to the next field and always ensure nothing important is obstructed by the keyboard.
  2. Streamlined sign inOffering numerous authentication options is the best way to streamline the entire sign in process. These days, the standard email and password combo isn’t always enough. Allow users to sign into your mobile site or app via their Facebook, Twitter, or Google accounts.
  3. Provide context for permissionsIt’s not uncommon for mobile sites and apps to ask for access to certain smartphone services, such as the camera, microphone, or location. During this prompt, you need to outline what is accessed, which will make users more likely to grant permission.
  4. Be accessibleCustomer service is of the utmost importance, so make it easy to connect with your company on your mobile site and app. Providing phone and email information (usually at the bottom of the page) is an excellent way to start, but in this day and age, providing customer chat is quickly becoming the preferred method.
  5. Drive home additional valueFree shipping, bundles, and discounts are all incentives to get customers to make purchases through your mobile site or app. Remind them of these offerings as often as you can. Providing this information on each product page highlights the added value of the shopping experience, and improves the likelihood of users completing their purchase.
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