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Part 2: Mobile Site & App Layouts and the Impact on User Experience

Welcome back to PBJ’s four-part series on mobile site and app design. In case you missed it, check out Part 1: Building Your Brand’s Mobile Presence to get up to speed.This week we’re discussing the many details of mobile site and app layouts and the impact they have on your brand, so let’s get into it! Once again, we turn toThink With Google for this valuable insight.

  1. Be descriptiveWhether you’re selling products or services, many users take advantage of mobile sites and apps to conduct research. Regardless of your specialty, you need to paint a clear picture of what you’re offering through your copy. For products, make sure to include stock availability, sizes, color choices, descriptions, photos, and demonstrations. For services, make sure you to outline what you do and the benefits of hiring your company.
  2. Consider the weary eyedEven though smartphone and tablet screens are bigger and offer more clarity than ever, including an accessible zoom feature significantly improves the viewing experience. Give control back to users by allowing them to zoom in as they prefer.
  3. Highlight advantages and savingsAn excellent way to get users to your mobile site or app is to offer a limited promotion. Whether it’s a buy-one-get-one deal, discounted price, or free shipping; it's totally at your discretion. However, it’s important to highlight the promotional price against the regular price, so users know they’re getting a great deal.
  4. Show availabilityMore and more retailers are creating a sense of urgency by displaying how many units they have left in stock for a particular item. A shopper who sees a dwindling inventory will be much more likely to add an item to their shopping cart and checkout before it’s too late.
  5. Consumers care about shippingThe speed and costs associated with shipping an item are crucial to consumers. A lack of shipping information forces users to look for it on difference pages and will distract them from their primary goal – buying your products.
  6. Let users voice their opinionsLoyal clients and customers are your most powerful ally, so give them an outlet to express their views on your mobile site or app. In fact, many consumers trust client and customer insight more than a sales representative. Once you’ve aggregated this information, make sure it’s browsable with an easy-to-use filtering system.
  7. Streamline the experience with suggestionsImpulse purchases – they occur online too! But if a consumer has to delve deep into your site, they likely won’t happen. Curb this issue by offering relevant product recommendations on product pages, shopping carts, and on the check-out page.
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