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6 Simple Ways to Write an Effective Ebook

Content should be a cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy, but it’s important to diversify the types of content created on behalf of your brand. Blog posts, infographics, videos, memes, and case studies all make up the foundation for content, but nowadays it’s critical to add more long-form pieces.One of the most popular and respected pieces of long-form content that should be part of your digital strategy is the eBook. This is especially crucial for B2B companies, as 67% of B2B customers read a company’s eBook before making their business decision. Meanwhile, 34% of B2C companies use eBooks in their digital marketing strategies of which more than half claim they are a valid source for generating leads.So how do you make a successful eBook? There are endless topics that can be turned into eBooks, but before you get started, ensure you review our sure-fire ways to get it done.

  1. Utilize industry expertsSubject matter experts are often more than happy to lend their insight to an eBook. Not only will an industry expert improve the quality of your eBook, but their unique takes will also help it become one-of-a-kind instead of boring industry jargon.
  2. Keep it simpleDon’t make your eBook overly dense. Instead, make it easily digestible by trimming the fat. The faster a reader can process the information, the sooner they’ll make a decision to purchase your products and services.
  3. Have funWhen it comes to your eBook, don’t be afraid to think outside the box. An eBook should be an engaging piece of content, so keep the language conversational. Speaking directly to you audience is an excellent way to turn them into conversions.
  4. Customize the imageryWe’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, Stock Photos Are Dead. Instead of including “safe” and boring images into your eBook, consider creating custom imagery that speaks directly to the topic. Whether these are illustration or charts, customized imagery is guaranteed to keep your audience engaged.
  5. Make it interactiveTake full advantage of the “e” in eBook and make yours interactive. Simple interactive elements like a responsive table of content and clickable calls-to-action will set yours apart from traditional eBooks.
  6. Format the textMaking your eBook visually compelling is a no-brainer, but a lot of eBook authors and design forget about text formatting. Take advantage of bolds, colors, and bullet points to draw attention to data points, but don’t overdo it. Too many stylistic elements will distract readers, and your message will get lost in the clutter.
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