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5 Ways to Get the Most out of Your Email Marketing Efforts

It might seem archaic, but email marketing is still the cornerstone of many brands’ digital strategies. In fact, according to Ascend2, email marketing technology is utilized by 82% of B2B and B2C companies. However, unless you’re sending relevant emails to the right recipients, your messages could be falling on blind eyes and deaf ears.Digital marketing professionals who fail to deliver relevant emails to readers risk poor engagement rates and a spike in unsubscribes. Luckily, Marketing Land offers some ways to ensure recipients get the most out of your upcoming email campaign.1. Give recipients a way outYour brand probably has a broad range of product types and services, but only a few might interest your clients. Similarly, many recipients are only interested in receiving emails of a particular type, such as daily or weekly deals, newsletters, and company updates. Give subscribers an easy way to only receive the content they want. Otherwise, they may feel smothered.2. Pay attention to preferencesA major email marketing error many brands commit is sending too many emails every week. If you see that a lot of recipients are getting overwhelmed by your many email options, consider consolidating emails into daily or weekly digests.3. Make your sender reputableConstruct a straightforward domain in your “From:” and “Reply-to:” lines and keep them consistent to build your brand’s reputation. Recipients should be able to identify the mail entering their inboxes, and it should be able to stand out from the other white noise.4. Take advantage of A/B testingFacebook A/B testing is something we’ve discussed in the past, and it’s a very useful tool in email marketing, too. Test subject lines, images, content, links, and the preview pane. Over time, you’ll start to get an accurate picture of the types of emails, content, and designs that work best.5. Review emails listsRegularly reviewing your email lists allows you to identify uninterested and unengaged recipients, and once you eliminate these individuals from your lists, your engagement rates will skyrocket.

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